Story of my life

Make America Great Again!
Since no one appreciates someone that is constantly talking about themselves, I will make this whole meet and greet thing short and sweet. I grew up on a ranch in rural northwestern South Dakota. The town that I was raised my whole life in has a population of less than 400 people. My folks raised my brother and I on the back of a horse and believed in corporal punishment as needed, which is why I like to think we grew up into adults with this little unknown term rarely found in the human gene pool these days called "manners."  I was homeschooled K-12, then went on to college and graduated from the University of Montana Western with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a minor in Small Business Management. Since I sound ridiculously smart and highly intellectual from obtaining that degree (joking) that will explain how I met a pretty smokin' hot guy that stole my heart during a 4 year state of destroying my liver in college. We got hitched 6 years ago and decided to ditch our bar lives for a couple grown up jobs and a 401(k). Life is, as they say, a fantasy.
I voted for Trump. Obviously.
That's my smokin' hot husband and I on the Big Island in Hawaii this past February. And yes, I got that t shirt at an Alice Cooper concert. #boom

Photo courtesy of Great Falls Tribune

Sarah Nordlund photo

That's my H.A.H.H.
(Hot As Hell Husband)


  1. Just when I thought I couldn't like you any more! Great job Bailee!

  2. Great blog...I'm curious from your reference of your husband being from Jordan who you might have married? I grew up in Jordan and still have a few family members who are there since my mom was a Murnion there are quite a few family in Jordan. I do follow my daughter's blog and have read a few other but yours is the first dedicated to the western woman and I really enjoyed it. Good luck with further entries I will try to keep up....Sincerely, Darla Currey-Colter

    1. Hi Darla! I just saw your comment, sorry it took me forever to get back to you. I married Parker Murnion from Jordan. :) Thanks for reading my blog, I appreciate it!

  3. Love your blog! I would love to have you guest post on my blog?
